Landhaus produces slow-made clothing liberated from seasonal trends, gender and age and found its name after Tara spent several years acquiring vintage materials that had ties to Bavaria. Growing up surrounded by her Oma's ceramics and textiles from this region further inspired her to connect back with the crafts of her heritage. This sparked an interest in using household textiles that no longer functioned for the home.
Tara doesn't take the responsibility of producing clothing lightly, and has implemented a circular system that breathes life into antique and vintage fabrics of strictly natural fibres. Carefully sourced from around the globe, the fabric is chosen for its unique story, composition and splendour. The textiles inform her vision, and are transformed into one-of-a-kind garments that champion ease of wear. The patterns have been inspired by treasures that Tara has collected since her youth.
Akin to its name, the sourcing, design and making process of Landhaus evokes a slower way of life – like moving to the country – prioritising our Mother Earth, beauty and comfort.
Get to know Tara and her sleep rituals below.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do: My name is Tara and I’m the founder and creative director of Landhaus - quite possibly the slowest fashion label currently available.
How would people describe you in 3 words? Outrageous, nurturing, refreshing.
Who/what inspires you and your work? I think the clothes I started making a few years ago now were a response to motherhood. Clothes that were easy and comfortable but not just tracksuit you know. I live by the seaside and that definitely influences what I want to make. I love old home sewing magazines and they’re a huge inspiration to me. Everything is easy breezy yeah!

Something not many people know about you? I find this question hard maybe I’m just too honest and give everything away lol.
What are you currently reading, watching, listening to? I’ve been reading/looking at some old craft magazines and also Consumed by Aja Barber, watching the odd game of World Cup football. I’m always listening to music here is a little playlist of songs I’m enjoying right now. Also my guilty pleasure is smooth 91.5 in the car (I like to sing along really loud) and the kids love it!
Go to bed early or stay up late? Depends what there is to stay up late for!

Get up early or sleep in? Wake up early but stay in bed with a coffee and something to read.
Fave midnight snack and /or breakfast in bed go to? Toast with lots of butter and avocado.
Last thing you do before you go to sleep? Have a sip of water.
First thing you do when you wake up? Have a sip of water! Or roll over and try to get more sleep. Then it is straight to the coffee machine.
Do you have any bedtime rituals? It’s all about my children’s rituals at the moment - we read a story, debrief about their day, snuggle up and fall asleep. We also love a few sprays of Cygnet Perfumery’s Antioxidant Essence and some Weleda rose and lavender cream on the heart for good dreams and no monsters.
What is your current relationship with rest / sleep? I have had over 5 years of interrupted sleep now - since my first pregnancy. I guess I’m used to it and it’s funny what counts as a good night. I have just managed to get my two year old to have only one morning feed instead of 10 feeds a night. He slept through the night for the first time last night! Was it the weaning or was it the insanely soft jersey cotton bedding?

Favourite things in your bedroom? My children both sleep with me so them of course but also now it’s got to also be the Dehei bedding because my gosh it’s so cosy.
What can’t you sleep without? A glass of water next to the bed!