Our sleeping positions go beyond simply lying on our back, front and sides. The way we sleep during the night can actually reveal a lot about our personality! We take a look into some of the most popular sleeping positions and uncover what your snooze style says about you.
1. Skydiver
The skydiver position is when you sleep on your stomach with your head to one side and your arms wrapped around the pillow. Much like its name suggests, a skydiver has a playful character and isn't afraid of adventure.
If you tend to sleep in the skydiver position you are usually to-the-point, but this can sometimes come off as brash. You tend to be risk-takers and seem free-spirited, but skydiver sleepers can be anxious and crave control of a situation.
2. Stargazer
The stargazer position is similar to how you would stargaze outside: you have your arms behind your head or resting on them while lying on your back. It's often a popular position with people taking quick power naps.
As for personality? as a stargazer sleeper you are usually more positive and helpful. You have an easy-going, positive outlook, much like side sleepers. You will do anything to help friends and family, and are extremely loyal to those that you hold dear.
3. Starfish
The starfish position is sprawled out across the bed, much like the sea creature itself. You don't really have a set position but you're usually on your back, stretching your arms and legs out wide.
If you are a starfish sleeper, you are eager to give friends support. You're outgoing and positive but don't want to be the centre of attention and are more carefree and tend to go with the flow. Starfish sleepers are great people to be around, people-pleasers and natural leaders.
4. Pillow-huggers
Do you fall asleep with your arms wrapped around your pillow? If so, then you like to feel cosy. As well as caring about personal relationships like stargazers, you are more family-oriented than others.
Personal bonds in your life are often the most important things to you. You are very loyal to your significant others, friends, and family.
5. Foetus position
The foetus position is also known as the baby position, and studies show this is the most common sleeping position with approximately 41 per cent of people sleeping in the foetus position. This is where you sleep on your side with your legs curled up underneath - mirroring a baby in the womb.
This position has a few different traits - you like the sense of safety the position offers as you doze off. In general, you are more sensitive. Although more sensitive, you can often exhibit a tougher exterior. You can come off as shy, but you are more personable than others.
6. Stomach sleepers
While stomach sleepers have bold personalities and are often more sociable than others, they are not as confident on the inside.
As a stomach sleeper, you don't take criticism well and problems don't roll off your back as easily as with others. You don't handle stressful situations well as you tend not to have a very thick skin.
7. The hugger
Similar to the foetus position, the hugger involves sleeping while clutching a pillow. If this is you, then you find peace and relaxation from holding onto a pillow tightly.
This is a sign of an affectionate cuddler. As a hugger you like to feel safe, warm and protected, but you can also be strong. You value strong and long-lasting friendships, are usually close to your family and are nurturing to your partner. This position is also associated with absent-mindedness. Cuddlers love to daydream, think of new possibilities and are good problem-solvers.
8. The Yearner
The yearner sleeping position is where you sleep with your arms and legs stretched out.
If this is your sleeping position of choice you are usually less gullible, however, you tend to take a long time to make up your mind. Once you have your mindset, you can't change it. As a Yearner sleeper, you might also tend to be more cynical.
What type of sleeper are you?